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Writing classes?

Submitted by killer55 » Sun 19-Feb-2023, 17:19

Subject Area: General

2 member ratings

Has anyone taken an online writing class? (or in-person one) If so, which one, and was it worth it? (they can be really expensive...)
I was thinking of taking one, just to have some experience/ insight with someone in the industry. Also, I was hoping it would help me with my 'writers self-esteem'


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RE: Writing classes?

Writing help

By JonathanEwart » Fri 28-Apr-2023, 19:52, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Hello. I consider myself very lucky to have seen your post. It's just that I've never heard of such courses. I will definitely sign up and write you my opinion on this matter. I desperately need to improve my writing skills. I will not hide it, once a professional sop was performed for me. I was pleased when they offered me a discount on my first order. It was my first experience. Plus a positive experience. And the most important thing for me is that they strictly control the quality of services and are ready to do their best and make as many edits as I need. Just great.

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