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Writing classes?

Submitted by killer55 » Sun 19-Feb-2023, 17:19

Subject Area: General

2 member ratings

Has anyone taken an online writing class? (or in-person one) If so, which one, and was it worth it? (they can be really expensive...)
I was thinking of taking one, just to have some experience/ insight with someone in the industry. Also, I was hoping it would help me with my 'writers self-esteem'


Member Comments

RE: Writing classes?

Writing classes

By takeru » Tue 28-Feb-2023, 23:09, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

I can understand how challenging it can be to balance studying with other responsibilities. It's great that you've found a helpful solution by utilizing letter of recommendation writing services for your programming assignments.

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