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Which platform is more efficient than Apache Spark or Hadoop?

Submitted by karine » Tue 16-Jul-2019, 17:47

Subject Area: General

5 member ratings

Which data analytics platform is more efficient than Apache Spark or Hadoop? Is it possible to compare the pros and cons of these tools?


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RE: Which platform is more efficient than Apache Spark or Hadoop?


By mh6562086 » Thu 30-Jan-2020, 10:14, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✩

Apache Crunch is such ... generally map-reduce on steroids. Able to run locally, on Yarn and on Spark.
It is close to Spark in ideology, and is similar in API, slightly, but SQL (and optimization) does not know how. But Avro knows how, parquet, understands the scheme, and has sources and receivers, say for HBase. We at the company Innovecs no longer use it.
Not a bad tool in general, but I'm afraid that he died. Committing once every few months is a symptom, however.

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